
Mar 26 2020 To all SRRV holders and accredited Marketers;
Please be informed that pursuant to the 16 March 2020 issuance of the Office of the President re Memorandum Circular on Community Quarantine Over the Entire Luzon and Further Guidelines of the Management of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Situation, the Philippine Retirement Authority Head and Satellite Offices are closed since 16 March 2020 until further notice, and until such time that the Enhanced Community Quarantine shall be lifted.
While a “work from home” scheme has been adopted and implemented for support functions in Philippine Retirement Authority, we regret to inform you that the following services remain suspended until further notice;
Acceptance of SRRV Applications SRRVの申請 | Conversion of deposits 預託金の使用 |
Filing of all Accreditations; o Marketer; o Retirement Facility; o Merchant Partner; マーケッター等の登録 | Transfer of deposits · Withdrawal of interest · Withdrawal of Excess Deposit ·Discontinuance of SRRV Application 預託金の取り扱いに関する事項 |
SRRV ID card renewal ID 更新 | Request for Re-deposit 再預金 |
SRRV ID Replacement IDの変更 | Payment of Annual Fees 年会費の支払 |
Re-Stamping ビザスタンプの更新 | Payment of Visitorial Fees ビジトリアルフィーの支払 |
Requests for Assistance 各種アシスタンス | Cancellation ビザの取り消し |
Requests for Certifications 各種署名証の発行 |

We also regret to inform SRRV applicants whose applications remain pending that we cannot release your passports due to the compliance of PRA to the Enhanced Community Quarantine, rest assured that your passports are safe and secured. The same also applies the SRR Visa holders who have pending servicing transactions with PRA.
Attached herewith are PRA Advisories, relative to the national government directives and implementations.
On 20 March 2020, the Bureau of Immigration (BI) released an announcement informing the public that they are temporarily suspending several transactions in BI offices in Luzon, except for outbound passengers intending to depart the Philippines. Included in the suspended transactions are the tourist visa extension for foreign nationals stranded in the country during the Enhanced Community Quarantine period, filing and hearing of applications for extension or conversion to non-immigrant or immigrant visa, dual citizenship, downgrading of visa status, special work permit or provisional work permit, renewal of ACR-I Cards, and implementation of approved visa applications for extension or conversion.
However, in the same Press Release, it also stated that “All aliens whose visas will expire during the duration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine shall be allowed to file their applications for extension sans penalties, provided that they file their applications within thirty days from the lifting of the Enhanced Community Quarantine” .
For our mutual safety, please stay home to help flatten the curve of the spread of the COVID-19 and follow the guidelines provided by your local authorities. Keep tuned and frequently monitor news and advisories for latest information and updates. Your understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you. 封鎖期間中は感染予防のために自宅に留まり情報の収集に努めてください。

2.3月20日付通達:3月22日よりSRRV をはじめ全てのビザは無効とし、封鎖期間中は外国人のフィリピン入国を禁止する。(志賀注:ただし、SRRVは封鎖期間中にフィリピンに入国する場合にのみ無効なのであり、現在すでにフィリピンに滞在している外国人は影響を受けず、封鎖後も引き続き有効である。また、フィリピン人の配偶者と政府関係の外国人は例外とされている。)